As part of My Edmonds News’ Pet Month, J Linn Black Henline of Splash Dog recently provided this update:
“I am co-owner with Leigh Anne Hardy, LMP, SAMP, LAMP, of SplashDog Canine Well Being Center in Firdale Village, Edmonds’ most dog friendly shopping area. At SplashDog we practice therapeutic massage in a warm water pool. Our therapists are licensed in Washington as SAMPs (small animal massage practitioners). We also swim the dogs therapeutically for rehabilitation and/or exercise and pain relief. We work with dogs that have issues ranging from knee surgery, pinched nerves, back injuries, arthritis and other geriatric issues, as well as dogs that just need a good work out without impacting their joints.
“Warm water therapy speeds healing by reducing the stress on the body, while getting exercise and increased circulation through the tissues and joints. It is especially helpful for geriatric dogs that have a hard time with mobility due to arthritis, soreness and muscle wasting. They get an emotional boost as well as physical exercise and the pain relief and increased mobility can be remarkable.
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